the typical filipino meal consist of rice, meat and vegies. well ,that's for those two-income or for even a single-income family.
and for the larger part of us, some will have very irregular meals. sometimes lucky if they can have two meals or one... some would just eat rice and salt, barehands...and there are those who cannot even buy rice on a regular basis.
asians love noodles and some eat it with rice.
hey, count me out as i am going easy on carbs.
noodles, specially when cooked mongolian style is my favorite...hhmmm yummy...
the guys always love fish soups. the head of the fish ,that is. poor fish...hate it...
when pinoys throw out parties, the food on the table would be enough to feed the hungry earth...
but we never forget to count our blessing...
my folks and their friends in oz: boy, lydia, my dad, mum, luz(standing), my sis yeng, and the ever glowing catrina (cute cute mo talaga).
Noddles mongolian style is so yummy!
Lovely pictures!
You have a beautiful family!
a family dinner, leaves one with a full stomach and a full of love heart!
hi margie, magiceye, and nabeel,
yeah family dinners are the best...we could linger and talk for countless hours and laugh...
that pix is in the top end of oz (in a noodle house) where my mum and dad are having a holiday with my sis and her family...
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